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Friday, March 25, 2011

This Week.

This week has been less than stellar. I am always struck by peoples comments about the "emotional roller coaster" of weight loss or the better yet - as I cant do anything to help or change it - "the meds are making you feel this way".

Really this week has just been shit. I can say this, its my blog and its my ongoing journey and record of that journey so I can say that. So Ive been pretty emotional, yes, tears WAY yes, moody yup, snappy sure have. Why I don't know.

I know its been a week of memories from a year ago at this time...time of great loss...anniversaries of that ache in my heart..can I blame I know its going to be a kinda sucky two weeks it the cause..don't think so..really?

So back to it..I'm in doesn't seem to be taken seriously or at all abnormally for my dr..though I am bringing it up again in April when I go..its annoying and sometimes leaves me almost in tears. Tonight I was in so much pain I thought I was going to hurl.

So its been a week of crying, frustration, annoyance...and I ate a piece of a bread stick..small like a ounce worth of bread tonight...when I eat things which aren't on the list I get REALLY pissed off and mad at myself. Only made worse by it making me feel really ill by eating whatever it is I haven't had in a month or two add ill on top of pain and you get really mad me.

Just frig it all. "its all worth it in the end" at first that mattered..I'm already doubting there is a worth it part for me...

time will tell..tomorrow is a new week a new week...and on it goes..


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Walking Medicine Cabnet..

I'm sure if you listen closely you can hear a rattling noise when I walk...its all the drugs that are inside me..doing wonderful things to my insides apparently...really I wonder..because I have doubts some days.

So here it is..I don't take drugs, I don't do drugs, Ive never done drugs..not even those trial runs most take in high school with a group of friends..not me. I'm aghast at friends who confess their drug baffles my brain. I suffer migraines, I have pills for that, I only take when its the worst of the worst..I may take a Tylenol or Advil but not..pills, not vitamins not..god only knows what.

So a day I take 6 different pills 14 days a month and 5 the other. All together in a normal day its 10 or 11. I have to rattle somewhere someone with great hearing can hear it.

I know SOME but am not a medical person so don't know it all about what they are meant to be doing in there where I cant see them. So here it is..

Metformin. Four a day with food. Some women can get really really ill on this drug. Nauseated, Uncontrollable Bathroom visits and the like. A family member of mine with others she knows has been hospitalized because of it. For me, my experience has been good, nauseous for the first three days, vomit once on day four and then fine..saying this the last four days at four a day I'm feeling ill. What its meant to do..control your insulin, evening out hormones, in some (more than a handful) it enables women to lose a lot of weight, it also is NOT used as a fertility drug but has been known to enable women to get pregnant who are on it. Ive been on it for almost two months.

Folic Acid. One a day at bed time. The use to prevent neurological problems and disabilities in babies as they develop in the womb. (Spinobifida is one of the main ones) Every women trying to conceive or not of child barring age or having sexual intercourse should be taking it just in case they become pregnant.

Synthroid. A thyroid medication to even out ones thyroid levels. Mine are not bad at all, in fact only off by .2% but the Dr. I am seeing would like to try and make it normal in case its triggering weight issues. Side effects for me none..and I'm not sure Ive heard of any.

Flax Seed. Ugh..used to boost up the healthiness of your food and speed up your metabolism. Found in seed form its harder to digest whole as your stomach cant break threw the outer casing of it. Found in powder to sprinkle on your food, recommendations very but the common one Ive heard is 2 to 3 tbs a day sprinkled on your food. Major health benefits. I take it in pill form twice a day though it should be three I just cant bare to swallow anymore pills.

MultiSure. A women's multi vitamin. Recommended by a book I read on PCOS and when I asked about it to my Fertility Dr. he said it would be a good idea too. From all the other things going in why not! It is meant to even things out. In a week this will switch to Materna the pregnancy vitamin - no not because I am announcing anything but because its wise to have those things built up in your system.

Prometrium. The progesterone hormone I don't produce naturally because of the PCOS. I hate this one. I take it the first 14 days of a month to force myself to do what a woman's body does because mine does not do it naturally. I makes me cry, it makes me feel huge and bloated, it makes me feel twinges of pain. And it hasn't worked like its "meant" to yet so we will see what the next round brings.

Those are the drugs, Lets not forget about the migraines if I have one and pills needed for that. BLAH!

I have to way I cant as I see it. BUT if it works in the end...if it all pays off in the will be worth has to be worth it..

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How it ALL came to be

The first, the back ground of the Journey..

6 years ago we decided it was time for us to "Try and Conceive" (TTC) at this point one thinks its all things easy. You go off any birth control methods your using and if your lucky you get pregnant on the first go..if not within a few short months..

Our months turned into a year, two years...frustration..anger..annyoance...STRESS. And a secret..a big one you keep from people because you don't want to feel like something is "wrong" with you, with you and your relationship or in your life. Our friends get pregnant, have showers, post pictures, have the little bundles of joy...and more and more pictures.

At this point, after say, ohhh..the tenth friend within a year comes to tell you they are having a baby and your three years in - fake smiling at this point, pretending to be overjoyed..and nothing..things start to wear on you. The secret its like a big shadow in your heart, you feel like you don't work, something isn't right in you..something is broken? But for a women to admit that to first herself - that MAYBE something isn't womanly right, then to her partner, something only someone who lives it can relate to.

Three year mark comes, almost to the day. I go to a new Family doctor, a women who turns out to be only a few months younger than myself..good, relationship..same stage of life. This is looking up. She says after talking to me for 45min's she has a idea of whats going on..what the problem most likely is. And orders some tests.

A week and a half later your sitting in her office and its like your not really hear what she is see her lips moving..but your not sitting there..your somewhere in a place where this is not really happening..not really changing your life and dreams. You tune back in..something along the lines of "I'm going to send you to a Dr. who knows more about this who I went through school with, she is great" and it all caught up to me.

What did she call it? What did she say? Whats wrong with me? How can this be? How can we fix this?...I smile..I remember that, because isn't that what your meant to do when someone is talking to you "helping" you...ARGH inside my head I was spinning, I wanted to cry, to scream. No husband in the waiting room..a bus ride home...alone. ARGH ARGH! I have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. That this is whats making me not be able to get pregnant, that this is "different" than she has seen in other women (more on this later) She thinks I have a good chance at kids but would rather I see a dr who "knows more" (this has become a joke in my head), she says its ok...yeah..right.

Then I log on to my most favorite Social Networking site when I get home. There it is, its not the friends fault..its not..deep down in the land of reality that I'm still at that point not sure where its gone; I know its not..however it will forever be burnt in my head..the first email I open up to from a friend who was in my wedding, who has been married a year...A YEAR..guess what happens next....SHE'S PREGNANT!!!! I press delete..Ive never talked to her about her child since, never said congratulations, avoid it now. Not her fault, heck she doesn't even know I'm avoiding her..or if she does..has no idea why. And That's when I broke...I cried for a very long time with my head under the pillow that day. Until my Husband came home where I told him I didn't want to talk about anything.

Then the day that changed my look on *Doctors trying to help*. This wonderful lady she has sent me to is Blond, relatively attractive, tall, slim and has a huge diamond ring on her windows in this tiny tiny room..why is there no windows...maybe so no one tries to jump from them I later come to that conclusion. So she spends 10minutes with me, thats it that's all. She informs me I need to lose 80lbs before she will help me - yup right out of her mouth like that with out helping me figure out how. That Ill never have children, that she wont give me the med's I know I need in order to help side effects of this now STUPID crap hand Ive been redo tests I have just done 2 weeks ago!!! Tests that were...leaving me feeling open to the world.

Mad, hurt, mad, overwhelmed..hurt..mad..spinning...I do what she asked make appointments for the tests, and to see her again. My mother is there..and a whole whack load of pregnant women I want to yell at, want to lash out at...but I walk out of the room. My mum stops to have a drink..she blames my mood on lack of food..And I just cant do it. I go to the public rest room and lock myself in while I cry harder then I think I ever had for a solid 15mins. I never go back..I didn't even call to cancel the appointments..I just never went.

Three months later the family dr has cornered me into coming into see her. Not her fault not her fault...keep repeating in my head..when I go to see all comes out..I tell her my trauma, my anger my...hurt. She feels horrible..apologizes profusely over and over! Tells me she will never send another patient there again. Tells me she believes the other dr. is wrong, that she sees it differently..she gives me three months worth of pills to deal with some of the issues..tells me to come back in three months and we will talk about the next step.

Next step..well I avoided seeing her for a year and a half. Till one chance, sitting in a park doing my job along comes - what is now one of the closest people in my life and friend - a girl and her puppy. I have no memory of what got us talking about it as I am a pretty shy person about this type of thing. And hadn't even talked about my Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome with my best of friends or family. Only my husband knew. She had it too, had more knowledge than my $120 Chapters book store purchases of books on the subject, diets on the was the first time I had someone who could relate. I think she thought I was nuts.

She gave me a name of her the same facility as the demon spawn woman I had seen. I made a appointment with my family dr to get her to recommend me to the new Dr. Well in therory it all would have worked..I suppose had life not become busy and complicated..

I never did see the dr. My personal journey with this was now avoiding baby showers in abundance (to date I have never been to one) Ending friendships in many ways..once you tell me your pregnant I stop talking to you. You want me to come see the baby..yeah I think not..too busy? The kicker in all this...I work with children, yup the worlds cruel joke on me, I love kids that much. I work with infants to age 8 in general - babies being my favorite. I have childhood friends who have had kids and I just never see them...ever.

Then that amazing wealth of information changed me. After Christmas a year ago as I was planning the move into our dream life...the girl in the park comes to my work to bring me a tea. Something is up btw, I know this and I think I know whats coming...15min and she leaves and I cry a little. But its different. My lucky friend is pregnant. And try and I might - she knows my schemes as she has the same ones - I cant push her away, showing up with tea, dropping in on teas with friends of ours, coming to places she knows Ill be. She sits me down..and has a frank talk with me..tells me I am stubborn, that she gets I'm scared, that I need to do this to make some steps to see someone who KNOWS what they are doing..she is right.

In the summer precious joy of joys was born. Three hours old and I held her in my arms..and was given permission to cry..I held it in..I said congratulations and it was meant. Then I got into the awaiting friends car and I cried. I wanted a baby, so amazingly perfect, so beautiful, so...amazingly amazing.

In the new dream home, looking at our forest, our beach, our life...things started to click. I didn't know HOW or when but things were going to change. Christmas came and my husband and I decided this is the year we end it with a child. If that child is adoption if that child is conceived it was going to happen.

Then before I told anyone, other than my amazing friend. My x boyfriends, a good friend, wife comes to me..karma..god works in mysterious ways. End of January. She tells me she will bring the forms to her evening job to get me to the fertility clinic - day job. In reality I had the appointment two weeks later for the fertility clinic, but in and out of the walk in I went.

A week into February I went for my first - of what seems to be many - at the Fertility Clinic..scary, worried, nervous my bad experience was going to happen all over again. Id been warned of things..and now the time was here. I was speaking to a man about personal business I speak to very very few about. He seemed intrigued at my wealth of knowledge and body experience. He apologised for the woman, and told me she was wrong..on all counts.

I asked out right, Are we here and were wasting time, or is this a option. He smiled and thanked me for being out right...and said "You have a very good chance of having a baby, but YOU (being me not my husband) has a lot of work ahead of you to make it work". Work I can do.

So some mortifing tests, some painful, lots of drugs for someone who doesn't put any in her body...and a light in a very long dark tunnel of darkness that's been my life for 6 years...

In the coming posts..Ill write about the tests, what I'm doing, what I'm not doing, frustration, tears, and such..Ill talk about previous tests, books Ive read, med's, web sites and maybe..share some good news at some point.

Stay tuned.